Giraffes? Giraffes! - More Skin With Milk-Mouth
This quizzically named duo offers up a healthy dose of mathematics with their instrumental rock. Giraffes channel the early work of math-rock pioneers Don Caballero, and layer on top of that a playful experimentation that morphs each song into a stylistic sketch all its own. The first track “When the Catholic Go Camping, Then the Nicotine Vampires Reign Supreme” repeats a thematic finger-tapped riff before exploding into a spacey, psychedelic freakout, complete with blistering guitar solo. Similarities to fellow instrumental rockers The Fucking Champs can be heard once the song is truly pushed over the edge. The second track “The Ghost of Eppeepee’s Ghost” is a free-jazz inspired number that would be completely at home on the last Fridge album. “Emily Sagee’s Secret” draws on the dissonance and rhythmic variation of the band Dysrhythmia in it’s first half, before breaking into a hauntingly simple groove punctuated by eerie-sounding bells. The EP is rounded out by Giraffe’s best and most unique track “A Quick One, While She’s Away.” A triumphant, lyrical guitar riff drives forward, only to morph seamlessly into a flowing theme driven by acoustic guitar. Then, Giraffes hit the distortion, and rock out to a disjointed, abrasive stretch, before returning back to more finger-tapped guitar wizardry with the agility of a jackrabbit. Bottom line: Giraffes? Giraffes! Combine some of the best elements of many instrumental bands and add their own flavor to create something that will please anyone with an ear for the unusual.
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